Autism Recovery 101 Starts May 3!
Attention Parents And Care Givers of Someone On The Autism -Spectrum...
1 Out of 68 Children in The U.S. Have Been Diagnosed With Autism…And This Number Does NOT Include Pervasive Development Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Sensory Processing and Other Neurodevelopment Disorders!

While There is No Known Cure For Autism, There Are a Variety of Highly Effective Treatments Available, And in Some Cases, Individuals Can Show Full Recovery.
Autism Prevalence: The Problem
Autism rates are at an all-time high. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) just released their 2016 summary data on autism rates indicating that “approximately 1 in 68 school age children…have autism or a related disorder.” This data is consistent with reports from the CDC a few years back with increasing rates overall in the past 10 years by approximately 120%.
As of 2014, approximately 3.5 million Americans live with an autism-spectrum disorder. Worldwide prevalence is about 1% having autism. What is just alarming is the conventional (aka. traditional) medical world doesn’t know what to do, what is really causing this epidemic, or how to stop it.

The Failure of "Conventional" Medicine
Traditional therapies such as applied behavioral analysis, speech and occupational therapy can be helpful for an individual with autism to improve their physical, behavior and social skills, but millions are still left with a myriad of biological (aka. medical) issues that compromises their health.
Again, the CDC acknowledges that individuals with autism suffering from a number of comorbid conditions that can affect physical health, as well as brain and nervous system function. Allergies, including food sensitivities, asthma, digestive problems, seizures and others are documented to have a higher prevalence in the autism population. It has been well recognized for years that many of these underlying biological problems cause or contribute to an individual’s autism condition.
Help And Hope From Integrative Medicine (Biomedical Intervention For Autism)
Integrative medicine for autism, also known as biomedical intervention, has helped thousands of individuals with an autism-spectrum disorder improve their health and overall condition, with some achieving full recovery from their diagnosis. Dietary intervention, nutritional supplementation, digestive system treatments for yeast, bacteria and inflammatory imbalances, and biochemical therapy for detoxification and methylation imbalances are essential for an individual with autism if improved function and potential recovery is to occur.
What is needed for this to occur is not only knowledgeable doctors who understand these common underlying biological problems, but knowledgeable parents and caregivers who are on the front-lines of implementing biomedical intervention for their child or loved one. Education is key!

What Can You Do?
Learn How To Treat Your Child's Autism With Dr. Woeller's...
Autism Recovery 101 Course
Dr. Woeller's 4 Pillars Of Autism Biomedical Intervention
Autism Recovery 101 is a 6 module, online training course that is geared for parents who are new to the concept of biomedical intervention for autism, or for those looking to further understand the “how and why” of the biomedical intervention process, including diet, supplements, bacteria and yeast imbalances and methylation problems…plus a lot more.
Dr. Woeller has long been an advocate for a solid foundation for biomedical intervention. This means making sure an individual with autism is assessed for dietary sensitivities, digestive system and nutritional imbalances and other biochemical problems. His 4 pillar approach is central to his private practice and has helped thousands of individuals achieve wellness and recovery.
These 4 Pillars Are:
• Dietary Intervention
• Nutritional Supplementation
• Digestive Health
• Methylation
This Autism Recovery 101 course is focused on these 4 pillars with additional information regarding getting started on laboratory testing and interpretation, troubleshooting behaviors and correlating information about an individual’s condition to issues that may be occurring medically.
Learn From an Autism Treatment Expert

Dr. Kurt Woeller
Autism Treatment Specialist
Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., has been an integrative medicine physician and biomedical autism specialist for over 18+ years. He is an author of several health books including “Autism – The Road To Recovery”, “Methyl-B12 Therapy For Autism”, “Methyl-B12 for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia” and “5 Things You MUST Do Right Now To Help With Your Rheumatoid Arthritis.” He is a lecturer (throughout the United States and international, including Canada, China, England, Mexico and Poland), educator and experienced clinician offering specialized treatment and testing for individuals with complex medical conditions such as Autism-Spectrum Disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mental Health Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis and other chronic health conditions. His health consulting practice for autism alone is multinational with families from various countries.
Dr. Woeller is on the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (IMMH) and serves as a clinical advisor for both BioHealth Laboratory and Great Plains Laboratory providing patient and physician education through training programs and monthly webinars. He is also Medical Director of Integrative Medicine Academy, an online training course website for health practitioners.
Autism Recovery 101 Course Outline:

Module 1 - Common Issues In Autism
Common Medical Issues Seen In Autism That You Need To Know About:
– What are the common medical issues seen in autism?
– How do they influence behavior and cognitive problems?
– How to recognize these problems in your child
Module 2- Supplements
Which Supplements Are Most Important & Supplement Rules And Helpful Hints.
– Why are supplements important?
– Which ones should be started first?
– What supplements are most helpful for specific conditions?
– Helpful hints on supplement success
Module 3 - Lab Testing
Understanding Lab Testing & How To Interpret The Organic Acids Test (OAT) From Great Plains Laboratory.
– Which lab tests should be done initially for every child?
– Learn to interpret the Organic Acids Test (OAT) from Great Plains Laboratory in a quick – and understandable fashion.
– Which behaviors are linked to certain markers on lab tests like the OAT?
Module 4 - Digestive Problems
Treating Yeast, Bacteria And Other Digestive Problems.
– Success strategies for treating common pathogens
– Remedies for other digestive problems
– Which behaviors are often linked to digestive problems
Module 5 - Biomedical Diets
Biomedical Diets – Which Ones are Best, and Why?
– Overview of various autism diets
– Which one is right for your child?
– What is the difference between IgG, IgE and peptides reactions to foods?
– Understanding oxalate toxicity
Module 6 - Methylation
What You Need To Know About Methylation And How To Get Started.
-What is Methylation and why is it so important in Autism?
– What do Methylation supplements do?
– How to get started with Methylation support
Plus - Live Q&A Sessions!
2 Separate, Live, Questions & Answer Sessions With Dr. Kurt Woeller.
Bonus 1: You Get A Copy Of Each Of These 2 Autism Treatment Books!

Bonus 2: Recorded Interviews By Dr. Woeller Of 3 Mothers Who Have Successfully Treated Their Children's Autism, Using Dr. Kurt Woeller's Methods

Terri Hirning – Mother of recovered child. Specialist in the importance of dietary intervention for autism and Co-founder of Real Food Mum.

Lori Knowles – Mother of recovered child. Specialist in the importance of nutritional supplements and founder of New Beginnings Nutritionals.

Jaelyn Grace – Mother of a child with autism, and specialist on doing biomedical intervention on a budget.
See What Other Parents Say About Dr. Woeller's Autism Treatment Methods: |
- Celeste M., Parent![]()
"This is essential for all parents implementing biomedical treatments. My husband and I just returned from a biomedical autism conference and I felt I could have saved myself $400 and just gone over the website for 8 hours. SERIOUSLY! What a great resource! I love that I can research my questions any time of day, when the kids are asleep or when I only have 5 minutes to spare!
Autism has left a large wound in my spirit, but I am empowered by this information, and I build my resolve not to surrender to autism and fight my way to recovery for my son and my family. I only wish I had this resource in the beginning. I am just thankful to have it now!"
- Michele S., Parent![]()
"I can't believe how much information you have collected and placed on this. It's amazing!! I wish this was here when I was starting out. This is the first doctor - involved message board - which is HUGE to the community. People are paying their Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) doctors from $300 - $500 per hour for a visit or telephone consultation, but for the price of this course they can have access to one of these doctors and group of experienced parents. As Jenny McCarthy said when her son was diagnosed, there was no "here's what to do" brochure. This course is it!"
Dr. Woeller Will Provide His Vast Knowledge of Integrative Medicine For Autism Over The Past 18 Years, So You Can Hit The Ground Running, And Start Treatment Immediately!
Autism Recovery 101 Includes:
* All Live Webinars And Q&A Sessions Will Be Recorded And Quickly Available For Those Who Cannot Attend The Live Events.

Act Now, Autism Recovery 101 Starts May 3!
Let Dr. Woeller Give You The Road Map To Recovery From Autism...
10+ Hours of LIVE Webinars
LIVE Q&A Sessions.
Extended Access to The Private Autism Recovery 101 Forum.
Instructional Videos.
Copy of Methyl-B12 For Autism eBook.
Copy of Autism - Road to Recovery eBook.
Course Materials - Color Slide pdf’s, Supplement & Medication Protocols, & More.
Save $200!
Hurry - Ends April 29th!
10+ Hours of LIVE Webinars
LIVE Q&A Sessions.
Extended Access to The Private Autism Recovery 101 Forum.
Instructional Videos.
Copy of Methyl-B12 For Autism eBook.
Copy of Autism - Road to Recovery eBook.
Course Materials - Color Slide pdf’s, Supplement & Medication Protocols, & More.
Need Smaller Payments?

100% No Risk Guarantee!
No Hassle, Money Back Guarantee
We are so sure you will love this Autism training course, that we will give you your money back if you don’t agree it was well worth the cost. Dr. Woeller is a dynamic and inspirational speaker and teacher, and is gifted with the ability to breakdown complex concepts and put them into easy-to-understand pieces. We are so confident that you will enjoy this training course, that we offer a No Hassles, No Problems, Money Back Guarantee. Basically, if you don’t like it, we don’t want your money! Enroll in this program. After the first module, if you’re not completely satisfied by what you’ve received, simply send us an email within 7 days after the delivery of Module 1, and we’ll give you a full refund on the course!